Today is October 29, 2018, so it's already over a week since the U.S. presidential administration released its proposed rule for legally defining sex as biological under Title IX. I know this has many trans people and allies worried, and for good reason--but I also want to share some hope from Mara Kiesling, Executive Director of the National Center for Transgender Equality.
"In the name of preempting some misinformation, let’s talk about what this proposed rule would not do. It would not eliminate the precedents set by dozens of federal courts over the last two decades affirming the full rights and identities of transgender people. It would not undo the consensus of the medical providers and scientists across the globe who see transgender people, know transgender people, and urge everyone to accept us for who we are. And no rule—no administration—can erase the experiences of transgender people and our families. While foolish, this proposed rule deflates itself in the face of the facts, and the facts don’t care how the Trump administration feels."
Here's a link to her full statement: